
Hydrogeology Journal (HJ), initiated by the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and the Founding Editor, Professor Eugene Simpson of the University of Arizona, USA, first appeared in 1992. The journal was initially entitled “Applied Hydrogeology” and its introductory issue was ‘volume 0’. As volume 20 of 2012 becomes complete with publication of the current issue, the HJ team, IAH, and Springer Verlag (HJ’s publisher) are marking this significant anniversary by re-publishing 54 articles that have not been widely available. These legacy articles existed only in old printed issues, inaccessible to most readers. By early 2013, they will be accessible in the online library of Hydrogeology Journal (http:// www.springer.com/hydrogeologyjournal). Before Springer became HJ’s new publisher in 1998, the journal appeared exclusively in paper issues. Much of this printed material was scanned and published in the online HJ library by Springer in 2000; however, at that time, some printed articles were inadvertently overlooked. These forgotten articles will be re-published in the online library with newly assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs), which provide formal references to the new online publications. Other forgotten printed articles in early issues had not appeared on normally numbered journal pages (being printed on ‘A pages’ instead). Articles on these pages are not recognized as formal publications and so were not scanned in 2000. These ‘A-page’ articles are now available online as electronic supplementary material (ESM) associated with this Editors’ message. A variety of distinguished authors, article types and both interesting and useful historical and technical subjects are included in these articles. A brief description of their content is provided below (with reference to the list of re-published legacy articles in Table 1). Online publication of these articles by IAH and Springer makes complete the online library of all articles that ever appeared in Applied Hydrogeology and Hydrogeology Journal. Happy 20th Anniversary Hydrogeology Journal!

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