
“Editors’ Choice” articles are ones selected for special attention by the Hydrogeology Journal (HJ) editorial team and the Guest Editors of the year’s theme issue. These articles may be selected for any of several good reasons including: outstanding science, innovative approach, potentially important conclusions, interesting field area or phenomenon, unusual topic, political/social/historical/ philosophical interest, etc. The HJ Editors believe that our readers would (or should!) find these articles to be somehow interesting or useful. At the conclusion of each publishing year, the Editors select up to five articles from among the year’s crop of about 150 published articles. Both authors and readers of the selected articles benefit because Editors’ Choice articles are: (1) highlighted on the International Association of Hydrogeologists’ (IAH) website and in the IAH newsletter, and (2) Springer Verlag, HJ’s publisher, makes these articles freely available on their website for full viewing and downloading at no cost to everyone. The Editors’ Choice articles for the 2011 publishing year are given in Table 1. Congratulations to all of these authors!

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