
It is a great honor and privilege to be elected as the new president of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) for 2022. It is also my great pleasure to serve the IEEE DEIS community. As many DEIS members will know, I have served DEIS for a number of years as an elected DEIS AdCom member-at-large, DEIS secretary, DEIS vice-president technical, and, latterly, DEIS vice-president administration. Of course, I'm taking on the mantle of president from a long line of excellent presidents over the years, many of whom I have worked closely with, the most recent being Paul Gaberson from 2020 to 2021. I want to thank Paul personally for his valuable support over the past two years. I know Paul has put much effort into serving the DEIS community and DEIS AdCom and has steered and directed the Society very successfully through recent challenging times. DEIS AdCom has also appointed two new vice-presidents, Professor Davide Fabiani from the University of Bologna, Italy, as vice-president administration and Professor Akiko Kumada from the University of Tokyo, Japan. Davide has previously been serving as vice-president technical and Akiko as an elected AdCom member-at-large. I look forward to working in partnership with Davide and Akiko, who both bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their DEIS roles. Along with the other valuable and capable members of AdCom, we hope to lead and serve the entire DEIS community. On another note, we want to welcome Dr. Antonios Tzimas as our newly appointed editor in chief of IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine for 2022. Antonios was serving as deputy editor in chief under Dr. Peter Morshuis. Peter has done a fantastic job as editor in chief over the past year and has successfully repositioned the Magazine and the IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Editorial Board into a suitable structure and mode of operation to ensure its future sustainability.

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