
I am very pleased to announce that the Editorial Team for the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (JPharmSci®) has decided to dedicate a future issue of the journal to Professor Gordon L. Amidon and to the science that he has loved and fostered throughout his professional career. Professor Amidon is currently the Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professor of Pharmacy and a Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The honor of a dedicated issue of JPharmSci® is being bestowed on Professor Amidon because of the tremendous impact that he continues to have on research in the pharmaceutical sciences; his longstanding commitment to teach the next generation of pharmacy students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars; and his dedication to professional service in the pharmaceutical sciences. Professor Amidon is considered by his peers to be one of the “founding fathers” of the modern pharmaceutical sciences. His many significant contributions to the pharmaceutical sciences will be summarized in a Commentary to be published in this dedicated issue of JPharmSci®. The Gordon L. Amidon Dedicated Issue of JPharmSci® will also include original scientific papers (Research Articles, Notes, and Rapid Communications), Perspectives, Reviews, Minireviews, Lessons Learned, and Commentaries that highlight Professor Amidon’s major contributions to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drug absorption across biological barriers and to the field of biopharmaceutics, particularly as they relate to regulatory science. Thus, the scientific scope of this dedicated issue will focus on the following topics:•Drug solubility, dissolution, and release.•Drug permeability across absorptive barriers.•Transporter-mediated and prodrug-enhanced oral drug delivery.•The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). I am very pleased to announce that Professor Maureen Donovan (University of Iowa), Peter Langguth (University of Mainz), James Polli (University of Maryland), Ikumi Tamai (Kanazawa University), Balvinder Vig (Bristol-Myers Squibb), and Lawrence Yu (US Food and Drug Administration) have agreed to be the Guest Editors for the Gordon L. Amidon Dedicated Issue of JPharmSci®. The Guest Editors would welcome proposals for original scientific papers (Research Articles, Notes, and Rapid Communications), Reviews, Minireviews, Lessons Learned, and Commentaries in those research areas in the pharmaceutical sciences that Professor Amidon has loved and fostered throughout his professional career. In addition, they would also welcome the perspectives of pharmaceutical scientists in the form of Commentaries about the significance of Professor Amidon’s research based on their personal experiences as scientists working in industry and government. If you are interested in contributing to this dedicated issue, and thus honoring Professor Amidon, please contact Professor Maureen Donovan (maureen-donovan@uiowa.edu) or Dr. James Polli (jpolli@rx.umaryland.edu) for more details. Finally, I anticipate that the Gordon L. Amidon Dedicated Issue will be published as the September 2015 issue of JPharmSci®.

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