
Each journal strives to establish a unique position for itself in academic circles, an inherently challenging endeavor, and the first volume of every scientific journal is the most arduous and challenging at the outset. After nine years of continuous efforts, the Sulaimani Dental Journal (Sulaimani Dent J) has built a reputation as an outstanding outlet for high-quality publications in the field of dentistry and dentistry-related scientific disciplines in the Kurdistan region and Iraq.
 Almost a decade has passed since we embarked on this endeavor, which required a group of audacious and ambitious academics and researchers from the College of Dentistry at the University of Sulaimani to establish, organize, and manage a new scientific journal dedicated exclusively to dentistry and scientific research in dentistry-related specialties, of which there were very few presents in the country and the region altogether.
 The journal started as a biannual publication and continued this trend until the end of 2022, when it was clear to the editorial board members that the time had come to increase the publication cycle as the number of submitted manuscripts increased due to the established reputation of the Sulaimani Dental Journal among academics in the country and even abroad. This issue (Volume 10, Issue 3) marks an important milestone: completing the tenth year of the journal and the first year to publish three issues. With the current issue included, the journal has published 203 scientific articles in 21 issues that comprise ten volumes. Our current efforts are focused on achieving recognition and indexing of the journal by the most prestigious indexing services and our future insight is to attain the highest possible metrics within the scientific community.
 This recognition is accompanied by the responsibility to ensure that this journal sustains its prominence and remains updated on the rapid developments in the field of dentistry. We express our gratitude to the associate editors, editorial board members, editorial staff, reviewers, and authors whose unwavering commitment and diligent effort have sustained the journal to its present stature of excellence.
 We had the pleasure of collaborating with Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Abdullah Mahmood “Managing Editor”, Mr Miran H. Mohammed and Dr Lazyan Lateef Rauf “Editorial Office” of our esteemed journal. Their dedication and commitment to their role are truly commendable. They exhibit a strong work ethic, ensuring that all aspects of the journal are handled efficiently and effectively. Their performance in managing the editorial processes is exceptional, resulting in a seamless publication workflow. We are grateful for their hard work and valuable contributions to the success of our journal.
 The Associate Editors team has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the success and publication of our scientific journal. Their diligent efforts, attention to detail, and expertise in the field have consistently elevated the quality of our publications. The team's invaluable contributions have greatly influenced our ability to disseminate groundbreaking research and advance scientific knowledge. We are immensely grateful for their dedicated support and commend them on their unwavering commitment to excellence.
 We extend our gratitude to the subsequent referees for their evaluative assessment of the manuscripts: Ibrahim Saeed Gatta, Faraedon Muhidden Mostafa Zardawi, Salam Al-Qaisi, Abdulsalam Rasheed Kudid Zahawi, Adham Amin Abdulrahman, Ahmed Saleh Khudhur, Ali Abdulkareem Abbas, Anas Falah Mahdi, Anwar Ahmad Amin, Ara Omer Fatah, Aram Muhemmed Hamad Shah, Arass Jalal Noori, Azhar Ghanim Ahmed, Azheen Jamil Rasheed, Balkees Taha Garib, Ban Falih Ibrahim , Bayad Jaza Mahmood, Bestoon Muhammad Faraj, Cheeman Abdulrahman Jihanbaxsh, Chenar Anwar Mohammed, Daroon Saeed Abullatif, Dena Nadhim Muhammad, Dler Ali Khursheed, Fadhil Abdullah Abdulkareem, Faeaq Muhememd Amin, Gollshang Ahmad Mohammad, Hadi Muhammad Ismail, Hawzheen Masoud Mohemmad Saeed, Jawad Mohammad Mikaeel, Jwan Fatih Abdulkareem, Kawan Salahadin Othman, Khadija Muhmmad Ahmed, Lazyan Latif Raouf, Manhal Abdulrahman Majeed, Marwah Abdulsalam Hamied, Miwan Salah Abdulrahman, Nawroz Hamarashid Nadir, Neda Mohammad Jaffer, Nzar Abdulqadir Hama Amin, Omer Mahmood Chawshli, Ranj Adil Jalal, Ranjdar Mahmood Talabani, Rawa Omer Ibrahim, Sarhang Sarwat Gul, Shaho Zyad Majeed, Shakhawan Mahmood Ali, Shanaz Mahmood Ghaphor, Shilan Naozad Dawd, Shokhan Ahmed Hussein, Shoxan Abdullah Abdulkarim, Shoxan Hama Ali Azeez, Suha Ali Hussain, Suha Nafea Abdullatif Alwsi, Suza Faraj Aziz, Tara Ali Rasheed, Tavga Mustafa Faris, Trefa Mahmood Muhammad Ali and Zanyar Mustafa Amin.

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