
The International Youth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (YETI-2019) was held in Saint Petersburg on July 11 – 22, 2019. It was organized by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The YETI-2019 Conference gave an opportunity to young researchers and early-career scientists to participate in a series of lectures which reviewed the current trends and knowledge in the fields of electronics, nanoelectronics, telecommunications, optical and information technologies.YETI-2019 collected 50 reports by over than 150 researchers from 6 countries. Conference included two keynote invited talks given by leading scientists devoted to actual problems and major advances in physics and technology. The keynote speakers were Luis Conde from Univ. Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (presentation “Plasma propulsion for telecommunication satellites”) and Thomas Maurer from Universite de Technologie de Troyes, France (presentation “Active plasmonics: the rising of mechanoplasmonics and perspectives for integrating strain nanogauges into matter”). Presentations by various scientists gave an overview of recent achievements and future prospects in fields of development and design of nanoelectronic and telecommunication devices, signal processing, material science and nanotechnology. During the event, informal meetings provided an opportunity for potential partners to establish contacts, share new project ideas and start new collaborations. Certificates were awarded to a number of young participants for the best oral and poster presentations selected by the Program Committee.List of Editors, The invited speakers, Oral Presentations photographs, Poster Session photographs, Awarding ceremony of YETI -2019 photographs are available in this pdf.

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