
Many people do a great deal of work to publish the Journal of Chiropractic Education (JCE). Thus, I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to the peer reviewers, editorial board, authors, and production staff who work so diligently to produce the Journal. Every manuscript submitted to the Journal is reviewed by a minimum of two blinded reviewers. The JCE peer reviewers provide outstanding formative reviews, and also assures that each published manuscript meets rigorous academic and scientific standards. Thank you to the following peer reviewers for the 2013 to 2014 year who volunteered their time to critique submitted manuscripts: Alan Adams, Barclay Bakkum, Jennifer Bolton, Rick Branson, David Byfield, Alana Callender, Ashley Cleveland, Mary Kate Connolly, Robert Cooperstein, Edward Crowther, Thiana Paula dos Santos Schmidt, Andrew Dunn, Stephen Duray, Phillip Ebrall, Ana Facchinato, Matthew Funk, Brian Gleberzon, Christopher Good, Julie-Marthe Grenier, Maruti Gudavalli, Heidi Haavik, Michael Haneline, John Hart, Xiaohua He, Mark Hecimovich, Sean Herrin, Kelly Holt, Claire Johnson, HanSuk Jung, Lisa Killinger, Charmaine Korporral, Laura Lamm, Alexander Lee, Kathleen Linaker, Christopher Meseke, John Mrozek, Valerie Nichols, Julie Nyquist, Anthony Onorato, Per Palmgren, Robert Percuoco, Cynthia Peterson, Reed Phillips, Kevin Rose, Severiano Ruiz, Greg Snow, Randy Swenson, Rodger Tepe, Subramanyam Vemulpad, David Ward, Christopher Yelverton, Kenneth Young, and Niu Zhang. The members of the editorial board also are volunteers and provide advice to me on a range of matters from suggesting future initiatives of the JCE to resolving ethics issues. I rely upon the board for critical input regarding a vast array of issues. The editorial board, listed on the Journal's masthead in the front of the Journal and on the JCE web site, has international representation, which helps improve the relevance, quality, and access of the Journal to a broad audience of educators. The diversity of the board continues to grow, with new representatives from Southeast Asia, Western Asia, Latin America, and North America. The JCE is accessible through a variety of media. Of course, the JCE still is printed and delivered to chiropractic institutions globally. However, it is worth reminding readers that all content is available online as open access (free) material at our web site (www.journalchiroed.com). On the web site readers also can register for table of content alerts, catalog favorite papers, garner references, and perform many other useful functions, all for free. The Journal always is evolving and your participation is welcome. If you have an idea for the Journal or would like to participate in some way, please feel free to contact me by e-mail.

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