
Reviewed by: Edison’s Gold Elizabeth Bush Watson, Geoff . Edison’s Gold. Egmont, 2010. [320p]. Library ed. ISBN 978-1-60684-095-5 $18.99 Trade ed. ISBN 978-1-60684-094-8 $15.99 Reviewed from galleys R Gr. 4-7. The Edison family name has accrued some tarnish over the generations, and although the current Thomas Edison IV, protagonist of this adventurous novel, shares his great-great grandfather’s enthusiasm for invention, he has inherited none of his discipline. When he stumbles across a roll of film among discarded heirlooms in his family’s basement, Tom is intrigued by what seems to be a coded message. With the assistance of two close friends, charmer Noodle and brainiac Colby, he manages to deduce that his famous forebear was involved in a society of alchemists and had likely discovered (and subsequently hidden) a formula for turning base matter into gold. As fictional Fate will always have it, bad guys are [End Page 304] on the same trail, the trio is just a half-step ahead, and lives are in jeopardy. Kids who recognize the myriad Big Names dropped into the narration will get optimal pleasure from this romp, but even those unfamiliar with Nicola Tesla, J. P. Morgan, Harvey Firestone, and other notables can find some thrills in what amounts to one extended, breathless chase scene. So much energy is invested in the plotting, in fact, that the unresolved conclusion could leave readers more exhausted than anxious for a sequel. Warning, kids! For entertainment only. Do not attempt to write a biography report on this title. [End Page 305] Copyright © 2011 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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