
Planctus Mariae from CividaleA Performance Edition Audrey Ekdahl Davidson and E. Rozanne Elder Dramatics Personae: Mary Magdalen - Mary Major - John - Mary Jacobi Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 271] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 272] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 273] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 274] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 275] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 276] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 277] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 278] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 279] Click for larger view View full resolution [End Page 280] Translation Here begins the Lament of Mary and the others on Good Friday: 1. Mary Magdalen: O brothers and sisters, Where is my hope? Where is my consolation? Where is my entire salvation, O my Master? 2. Mary Major: O sorrow! such sorrow! Why therefore, dear Son, Do you hang there, when you are life To all eternity? 3. John: Heavenly King, For sins Of the guilty You have borne, Stainless Lamb of God. 4. Mary Jacobi: Cleansing flesh, caring for the world, You thirst on the cross A victim for sinners. 5. John: The maternal heart weeps, Of Mary weeps for the wounds. [End Page 281] 6. Mary Jacobi: I mourn the motherhood Which I said was Happy childbearing. 7. Mary Major: Weep, most faithful of souls, Weep, best of sisters, So all signs of sorrow may be multiplied With lamentation and tears. 8. Mary Magdalen and Mary Jacobi: Why do you become faint, Mother of the crucified one? Why are you consumed with sorrow, Our sweet sister? Thus it was to be As predicted by the psalmist. 9. Mary Major: Sad spectacle Of cross and spear! The secret sign Of a Virgin mind Wounds me deeply. This is what was said, What was prophesied He foretold it. This is the sword Which pierces me. 10. Mary Major: My John, be moved to lament, Be sorrowful with me, my new son, Son newly given to me, [End Page 282] Mother and maternal. It is time to lament. Let us, closest friends, Victims of grieving For dying Christ. 11. John: O Mary, my mother, You will always be dear, I will protect you as a treasure Which now has been committed to me. 12. Mary Magdalen: O kindly Father, O glorious Master, Do not abandon me. Look on the sinful one, You who have redeemed me. 13. Mary Major: O Mary Magdalen, Sweet disciple of my Son, Mourn with me, my sister, Mourn with me with sorrow For your Master’s death, And the death of him Who loved you so much, Who all your sins Forgave, Sweetest Mary Magdalen. 14. Mary Magdalen: Mother of Jesus crucified, With you I will lament Christ’s death, The death of my Master, [End Page 283] From sorrow anguished, I am in my heart wounded. 15. Mary Major: Where are the disciples, Those for whom you had admiration? Where are the apostles, Whom you loved so much? All those who, filled with terror, Have fled. And you alone, my Son, Abandoned on the cross. Alas! Alas! Miserable Mary. 16. Mary Jacobi: Who is here who would not weep To see the Mother of Christ In such deep sorrow? 17. Mary Major: All you who pass by this way, Together weep with me And similarly for my dear Son. Mourn and see If there is any sorrow Like to my sorrow. Alas for me! Alas for me! Miserable Mary! 18. Mary Magdalen: Console yourself, lady, Mother and queen, Why give yourself over to grief, Star of the Morning? [End Page 284] Your Son will raise The world from ruin. 19. Mary Major: My dearest Son, My sweet loved one, Why do I see you in this way Suspended on the cross Between two thieves, With a crown of thorns, Your side, my Son, Pierced with a spear? Alas for me! Alas for me! Miserable Mary. 20. John: Why on the cross do you thirst, Whose flesh was without sin, Whose flesh...

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