Bone tissue reconstruction and reparation is a big challenge in medicine. Biocomposite materials based on hidroxyapatite are widely used in reparation of bone defects. Adult bone marrow-derived stem cells may be considered in two categories: hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow stroma (BMSC). HSC and BMSC do not only coexist in one organ, but functionally cooperate. BMSC have a critical role in the formation of hematopoietic microenvironment (HME). The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions between bone marrow cells and biocomposites based on HAp/PLLA (hidroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide) after subcutaneous implantation in Balb/c mice. In that purpose, bone marrow cells of Balb/c mice were seeded in HAp/PLLA tubes (15 mm?1,5 mm). The HAp/PLLA tubes with BMC was subcutaneously implanted with a needle into the intrascapsular region of the mouse. Implants were extracted after 2, 6 and 12 weeks. In implants after 2 and 6 weeks we found angiogenesis, collagenogenesis and new bone. Ectopic hematopoiesis was seen in implants after 12 weeks from implantation. As a good scaffold in the role of supporting osteogenesis and hematopoiesis, biocomposites HAp/PLLA can be good bone substitute materials in the bone reparation process. These results showed that the HAp/PLLA scaffold owned biological properties comparable to natural bone.
Preseci debljine 3–6 μm su bojeni hematoksilin–eozin (HE) metodom i analizirani na svetlosnom mikroskopu (Leica)
U unutrašnjosti cevčice od biokompozitnog materijala HAp/PLLA jasno se uočavaju elementi koštane srži i ektopične hematopoeze, kao što su: eritrociti, eritroblasti, megakariociti, adventicijske ćelije, makrofagi
Kod implanata HAp/PLLA posle dvanaest nedelja od implantacije zapažaju se makrofagi, proeritroblasti, eritroblasti i retikulociti koji izgrađuju hematopoezana ostrva
EKTOPIČNA OSTEOGENEZA I HEMATOPOEZA IZ IMPLANTIRANIH ĆELIJA KOŠTANE SRŽI NA MATRICI OD BIOKOMPOZITA HAP/PLLA*. Ispitivana je biofunkcionalnost biokompozita hidroksiapatit/poli-L-laktida (HAp/ /PLLA) kao matrice za osteogenezu i hematopoezu posle subkutane implantacije singenim miševima Balb/c. HAp/PLLA oblikovan je u cevčice (15 mm×1,5 mm) koje su napunjene ćelijama koštane srži miša, a zatim implantirane. HAp/PLLA može poslužiti kao matrica za ektopičnu osteogenezu i hematopoezu. U poslednjoj deceniji pojavilo se mnogo radova koji ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja mezenhimskih matičnih ćelija koštane srži (engleski BMMSC) u reparaciji koštanog tkiva. Rezultati dobijeni korišćenjem matrice od ekstracelularnog matriksa, hidroksiapatita ili trikalcijum fosfata, zasejanih ćelijama koštane srži ukazuju na izuzetnu mogućnost remodeliranja koštanog tkiva [5,6]. U ovom radu je analizirana bioresorbilnost kompozita hidroksiapatit/poli-L-laktid (HAp/PLLA) posle subkutane implantacije mišu, njegov osteogeni potencijal i.
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