
The following ectoparasites are recorded from the gills of marine fishes in New Caledonia: Caligus prodiictus,’ Brachiella thynni (Copepoda), and Neothoracocotyle acanthocybii (Monogenea) from Acanthocybium solandri; Caligus productus, Caligus bonito (Copepoda), Allopseudaxinoides vagans, Allopseudaxine sp. (Monogenea), and Syncoelium filiferum (Digenea) from Katsuwonus pelamis. The following ectoparasites are recorded from the gills of marine fishes in New Zealand: Kahawaia truttae (Monogenea) and Syncoelium filiferum (Digenea) from Arripis trutta; Diplasiocotyle johnstoni (Monogenea) from Aldricheita forsteri; Neogrubea seriolellae, Eury‐sorchis australis (Monogenea), and Syncoelium filiferum (Digenea) from Seriolella brama; Mediavagina latridis (Monogenea), Lepeophtheirus erecsoni, and Aethon morelandi (Copepoda) from Latridopsis ciliaris. The male of Aethon morelandi is described for the first time.

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