
Ectoparasites that infest Portunus pelagicus can have negative impacts on host health. This study aims to determine the infection patterns of ectoparasites of P. pelagicus, such as prevalences, intensities, and (mean) abundances in relation to its pathogenic impacts. A total of 93 crabs were sampled from fishermen in Demak and East Lampung from October 2019 to January 2020. Seven ectoparasite species, Chelonibia testudinaria (Crustacea), Dianajonesia tridens (Crustacea), Octolasmis angulata, O. lowei, O. warwicki (Crustacea), Ostrea puelchana (Mollusca) and Thompsonia sp. (Crustacea) were isolated. In Demak the ectoparasite with the highest prevalence was O. angulata of 81% with an intensity of 315. In East Lampung, C. testudinaria had the highest prevalence of 88% but with low intensity of 62. Both parasite species can have health impacts on their host, such as enhanced vulnerability to predators for C. testudinaria or reduced oxygen uptake for O. angulata. A total of 20,540 specimens of Thompsonia sp. were found within the East Lampung samples. This species can have a negative effect on their host’s reproduction system. In the future, this knowledge will support enhanced sustainable use of this commercially important crab species and will increase our understanding of health impacts of ectoparasites on P. pelagicus.

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