
Ectomycorrhizae of jack pine occurring in mature stands, on bare roadsides, and in a recently burned area were compared. Fifty-six fungus associates were identified from sporocarp collections. Species of Elaphomyces, Suillus, Cortinarius, Cantharellus, and hydnums were almost exclusively limited to mature stands. Laccaria proxima, Rhizopogon rubescens. Scleroderma macrorhizon, and Astraeus hygrometricus were typically found on disturbed sites. Visual observations and direct isolations from ectomycorrhizae further indicated that the symbionts differed between the burn site and mature jack pine – lichen woodlands. A majority of the ectomycorrhizae in all sites were nondescript and could not be identified by culturing. Unlike the vascular plants, ectomycorrhizal symbionts were very numerous without any single species or small group of species dominating jack pine root systems. Pure culture syntheses confirmed that Tricholoma flavovirens, T. pessundatum, T. zelleri, Suillus flavovirens, S. albidipes, Cenococcum geophilum, Laccaria proxima. Scleroderma macrorhizon, Astraeus hygrometricus, Lactarius paradoxus, Coltrichia perennis, and Bankera fuligineo-alba were ectomycorrhizal associates of jack pine.

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