
From 1978 to 2017, the proportion of China’s agricultural added value to GDP fell from 28.2 to 7.9%, and the proportion of rural population in the total population fell from 82.1 to 41.5%. In the course of these two trends, some areas have also experienced problems such as agricultural shrinkage, rural dying, and population aging. In response to these problems, we must implement a rural revitalization strategy, make full use of local resources, and select suitable materials according to local conditions, promote village greening, make full use of idle land to carry out activities such as afforestation and wetland restoration, and build green ecological villages. According to the different conditions of the rural areas, the degree of population concentration of the village, and the scale of sewage generation, the combination of pollution control and resource utilization, engineering measures and ecological measures should be adopted according to local conditions to control pollution and improve the living environment. Eco-village is a form that focuses on the combination of production, life, and ecology. The development of eco-villages helps to achieve balanced development of economic, social, and ecological benefits and ensure the sustainability of agriculture. Generally spoken, it is conducive to the optimization and adjustment of the agricultural industrial structure, overcoming the bottleneck of weak industries in rural areas, and broadening farmers’ income-generating channels. Also, it is conducive to protecting and improving the agro-ecological environment, shaping a good rural style, and improving the quality of life and overall quality of rural residential environment. Through rational planning and ecological construction such as wetland, garden, and shelterbelts, the pollution control reaches ideal effect and rural habitats are improved. Therefore, the development of eco-villages is an important way and an important mode to realize the transformation of agricultural growth mode, and is an important means to achieve rural revitalization.

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