
ECOUL is an interactive, didactic software package which simulates vertical water flow in unsaturated soils. End-users are given an easily-used tool to predict the evolution of the soil water profile, with a large range of possible boundary conditions, through a classical numerical solution scheme for the Richards equation. Soils must be characterized by water retention curves and hydraulic conductivity curves, the form of which can be chosen among different analytical expressions from the literature. When the parameters are unknown, an inverse method is provided to estimate them from available experimental flow data. A significant original feature of the software is to include recent algorithms extending the water flow model to deal with deforming porous media: widespread swelling soils, the volume of which varies as a function of water content, must be described by a third hydraulic characteristic property, the deformation curve. Again, estimation of the parameters by means of inverse procedures and visualization facilities enable exploration, understanding and then prediction of soil hydraulic behavior under various experimental conditions.

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