
One of the most striking features of the ecosystem concept is that theircomponents, through natural structures and processes, render ecological functions,which are valued by society. The objective of this research was to identify anddescribe ecosystem services provided by the Natural Reserve Yacyretá, inaccordance with the goal of Paraguay’s National Law Nº 3,001 of 2006 ofconservation, protection, recovery and sustainable development of national naturalresources and biological diversity through fair, timely and adequate valuation andpayment for ecosystem services. The study was conducted during an environmentalmonitoring campaign in October 2016 in the reserve, using an ecosystem serviceschecklist constructed based on the classification provided by The Economics ofEcosystems and Biodiversity. This reserve is part of the conservation, protectionand compensation actions carried out by the Yacyretá Binational Entity in the areaof influence of the dam constructed between Paraguay and Argentina for theHydroelectric Power Station Yacyretá. Its purpose is the protection of ecosystems,communities of biological elements that, due to their rareness, fragility, importanceor singularity deserve a special assessment. This reserve has a highrepresentativeness of the resources of the Ñeembucú eco-region, and the presenceof two ecosystems scarcely represented in Paraguay, such as forests of arary(Callophyllum brasiliense) and a small formation of vegetated dunes. The reserveprovides all four categories of ecosystem services, directly and indirectly. Theseresults will be practical for stablishing conservation strategies to update itsmanagement plan and assess access to the system of valuation and payment forecosystem services.

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