
Materials about rare biotic and landscape diversity of the Medobory Nature Reserve are systematized and analyzed. According to the literary, statistical, and reporting data from nearly 1000 species of higher vascular plants 41 are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, 8 in the Annex of the Berne Convention, 5 in the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 6 in the European Red List. 4 phytocoenosis are listed in the Green Book of Ukraine. 6 species and 1 form of algae from water bodies reservoirs are rare for the flora of Ukraine. 4 species of mushrooms, 68 species of fauna are protected in accordance with the Red Data Book of Ukraine. The reserve is the element (core) of the Emerald ecosystem in the PanEuropean structure. The most valuable natural-territorial complexes are forests, meadow-steppe areas, rocky outcrops on the toltry. The negative influence of sylvatization (expansion of non-aboriginal, adventitious, shrub species) on natural ecosystems in the conditions of reserved successions in the past and in the modern period was established. The priority directions of preservation of the rare biotic, landscape diversity of forests, meadow-steppe, water-marsh and rocky coenosis are substantiated.

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