
As tecnologias de linguagem natural são agora capazes de escutar e produzir fala em tempo real. Os assistentes digitais ativados por voz tornaram-se interfaces multifuncionais. Podemos treiná-los de modo a reconhecerem vozes e prosódias específicas e podemos conversar com eles e elas. Duplex e Alexa – dois serviços de computação em nuvem controlados por voz – são descritos como instâncias da informatização da linguagem e da subjetividade, e como ecos arqueológicos das tecnologias telefónicas. A ressonância fantasmática e acusmática de uma voz desencarnada e ubíqua torna-se a derradeira personificação aural-oral do humano. Através de transações algorítmicas entre ouvir e falar, a naturalização da rede e da comunicação mediada por computador obscurece a profunda mercantilização da troca simbólica. Ao mesmo tempo, voz e língua revelam-se como tecnologias do humano.


  • In 1965, Ivan Sutherland described the “ultimate display” in the following terms: The ultimate display would, be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter

  • Voice user interfaces have added an additional level of immersive complexity to kinesthetic displays by mixing human and computer-generated voices in what is increasingly advertised as a seamless integration of human and machine

  • Technological advances in artificial intelligence voice-processing (Leviathan and Matias 2018) relate both to the aural and oral abilities of voice assistants to engage in natural conversation: We’ve dramatically improved our language understanding so you can speak naturally to your Google Assistant and it will know what you mean. [...] One of the most important parts of the Assistant is its voice–it needs to feel both personal and natural

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In 1965, Ivan Sutherland described the “ultimate display” in the following terms: The ultimate display would, be a room within which the computer can control the existence of matter. A chair displayed in such a room would be good enough to sit in Handcuffs displayed in such a room would be confining, and a bullet displayed in such a room would be fatal. The sheer mathematical force of bringing matter into existence was conceived by Sutherland as a visual dreamlike virtual reality, perfectly fitted to human vision and proprioception. This powerful kinesthetic display would have the ability “to serve as many senses as possible.”. Through algorithmic transactions between listening and speaking, the naturalization of computer-mediated communication obscures the deep commodification of symbolic exchange

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