
The article is devoted to the problem of developing the mountainous areas of the North Caucasus, which is the development of the campaign launched in the last century to develop previously uninhabited areas of the earth’s surface. Architectural and construction tasks in the construction of mountain objects in a complex mountainous terrain are complicated by seismic phenomena due to the proximity of Elbrus and Kazbek. The construction of mountain objects is hampered by natural and technogenic phenomena, equivalent to catastrophes. In the history of the development of the mountainous areas of the North Caucasus, the role of mining facilities is important, which, by mining, increases stresses and strains to a critical state with the destruction of rock massifs. The movement of mountain masses and the change in the basis of erosion determine the vectors of exomorphodynamic processes in the region. The probability of disasters in complex terrain conditions is determined by the number and quality of damaging factors and explains the need to optimize the forms and means of architectural support for the development of mountain areas. The problems of urban planning are solved through comprehensive research, one of which is the architectural support of projects, the purpose of which is to combine the principles of designing the architecture of objects and the state of the environment. Architectural support of construction in mountain regions provides, inter alia, an organic combination of the development of small settlements in the region with the prospect of agricultural and industrial production with their social challenges and demands. The effectiveness of the development of mountain areas with the implementation of the recommendations of architectural support is evaluated by the criterion in the form of an increase in the total income of the developed territory, which is a product of taking into account technological, economic and environmental factors of production in developed mountain regions. A promising direction of increasing the economic efficiency of the replacement of scarce binders with alternative substances, for example, fly ash with an increase in their activity in the apparatus and other innovations in the construction and technological areas.

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