
In most parts of India, water table is getting lowered. The problem is more predominant in dense cities. Some cities have become dependent on potable water supply. Due to paving of roads and construction of buildings, Infiltration has reduced and run off has increased. Run off increases when the rainfall is intense and with increased road and building infrastructure. Further there is huge withdrawal of water to meet the demand for growing population. Sowing of paddy to increase the returns from farming adds to the problem. Paddy needs 150cm of water from sowing to harvesting. It is not the natural crop of this region. Part of this water demand is met by monsoon and the rest by pumping out of water. There is huge and rapid withdrawal of water from tube wells to keep the crops inundated in water. This causes the drawdown or lowering of water table. In the last two decades water has been receding at the rate of 50-100cm per year. After concerns of water harvesting were raised, the rate of decline has receded. Since we cannot do much about reducing water demand, the solution lies in water harvesting and recycling waste water. Roof top water harvesting is easy and has no challenges. Storm water harvesting is challenging and daunting task. The harvesters get clogged and may not be operational for long time. Optimum solution has been found for filter material to be used, and design of harvester.

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