
Economic relations between Slavic countries are a taboo topic. This is a reflection of divisions in Europe, which have also been transmitted to the Slavic world. Although the aspiration for Slav unification has existed for centuries, Slavic peoples have been a part of a single community only once - and even then not of their own choice - in the Eastern Block, which emerged from the division of Europe after the Second World War. The decomposition of the Eastern Bloc was followed by the decomposition of the Slavic world as well, which became more disunited than ever before. Changes that have been occurring in Europe - the incorporation into the European Union of several Slavic countries, the transformation of socio-economic systems in the Slavic countries and the global economic crisis - are driving the Slavic peoples toward a gathering on a new basis. The Slavic world is becoming the most promising emerging market in the world, for which the European Union is showing increasing interest. With the building of a pan-European energy infrastructure, which would also encompass all the Slavic countries, coupled with efforts toward creating a 'single European economic space' that would include both the European Union and Russia, all Slavic peoples will be united by common economic interests. Pan-European arrangements have as a consequence the development of economic relations among Slavic countries, bringing added benefit to their mutual political relations as well. Paradoxically, the European Union is accomplishing for the Slavic peoples what the Slavic peoples aren't able to accomplish for themselves.

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