
The basic important both ecological and economical events in the world in 2016 are considered in a review – the entry into force of Agenda for sustainable development, the signing of the Paris climate agreement. In the review the global trend towards sustainable development is noted, the ways of solving environmental problems in the Russian Federation, China, USA, Europe were considered. The review considered in detail the transition to the new system of standardization in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force in 2016 of the Federal Law № 219-FZ, aimed at the establishment of standards and plans for reducing pollution to levels consistent with the best available techniques (BAT) . Information and technical guides on best available techniques (taken or planned to take) for 28 different sectors of the Russian economy were considered that have a significant negative impact on the environment, as well as the procedure for classification technologies to BAT and recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of the technology. The relevance of ranking of the BAT with an increase in economic efficiency was noted. Incentives and sanctions in the implementation of BAT provided by legislation were listed. Particular attention was paid to the metallurgical production. The review provides the stages of implementation of best available techniques in the Russian Federation. The use of the best available techniques (BAT) at the same time allows us to solve two problems: increase of technological efficiency and environmental safety at industrial sites.

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