
Mixed Fission Products (MFP) for use as a heat source for thermoelectric generators will become increasingly available in the coming years. The Atomic Energy Conamission sponsored program on solidification of nuclear wastes is now entering the hot-bench scale test phase. During this phase approximately 5000 thermal watts of two year old MFP could be produced monthly. Two different types of hot calcination pilot plants are planned for installation at the Hanford National Laboratories in the 1964 to 1966 time period. Each of these plants should be able to produce 160,000 thermal watts of two year MFP and 16,000 thermal watts of ten year MFP on a monthly basis. During this phase, MFP costs should be less than 15 per ihermal watt for two year MFP and 50 for ten year MFP. This cost includes operation of the plant solely to obtain heat sources and sealing the MFP into fuel containers. A full scale plant for a 15,000 Mw(e) nuclear economy is estimated to produce four to five times as much MFP as either of the pilot plants. Costs will be dependent upon AEC policy in effect at the time the plant is operating. lf the policy indicates that the fullmore » cost be paid by the user, the prices will approximate that obtained from the pilot plant operation. A conceptual design has been made for MFP fueled generators at several output power levels up to 1000 watts. These are for use at great underwater depths and contain an integral biological shield. A low cost biological shield of high density concrete or cast iron is considered. Economic studies indicate that, in production quantities, a 10 watt generator will cost one tenth an equivalent Strontium90 generator. Because of the low cost for MFP heat sources, radionuclide generators at the hundred and thousand watt level can be reasonably postulated for the first time. At the kilowatt level costs of per watt year are achievable while to 0 are estimated at the ten watt level. Currently available ocean-going craft can handle the placement of MFP generators up to the hundreds of watts level. Investigation of other available vessels is continuing. (auth)« less

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