
The methodology developed by the authors for designing a stage-by-stage change the shape and capacity of a multimodal transportation network allows, on the basis of the initial set of strategies, forming the area of effective strategies. This area is used to make an optimal design decision. The article discusses the efficiency of the strategy that stage-by-stage changes shape and capacity of the multimodal transportation network. In this study the strategy efficiency is the strategy compliance with the set goals and interests of potential participants of the investment project for its implementation. At the same time, the use of only economic indicators does not always determine the optimal strategy. For this purpose, in the multimodal transportation network designing methodology a set of interrelated balanced indicators is applied: economic, social, technical, operational, environmental, etc. The article provides recommendations for determining the indicators of economic efficiency: social, national (federal), regional and industry efficiencies included in the Balanced scorecard. These indicators allow estimating possible outcomes of strategies implementation of multimodal transport network development in economic and social spheres for society as a whole, economy of the country, transport industry, and also investment appeal of strategy for potential participants of the project on its realization.

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