
The research was conducted at FSCLGC in 2015-2019. The responsiveness of new varieties to inoculation with a set of active nodule bacteria strains 634, 626, 640, 645, 650 was studied in comparison with the standard Lanceolate variety on dark gray forest medium loamy soil. The scheme of the experiment included options without inoculation and fertilization (control), with inoculation with the specified strains, as well as with the introduction of mineral nitrogen at a dose of 60 kg of a.s./ha. The experience is replicated four times. The area of plots is 10m2. Sowing was carried out with a SKS-6-10 seeder in a wide-row method (row spacing 45 cm) in the second decade of May. The seeding rate is 600 thousand germinating seeds. Both inoculation of seeds and application of mineral nitrogen at a dose of 60 kg per hectare caused an increase in soybean yield. Crop increases, depending on the year and variant, were 0.6-2.7 C/ha. The highest yield – 28.2 C/ha (on average for 2 years) formed the Leader-10 variety. The analysis of the economic efficiency of cultivation of various soybean varieties showed that the profitability of cultivation of the Leader-10 variety, which is characterized by a higher level of productivity, is significantly higher than other evaluated varieties. According to the strain factor, soybean cultivation using inoculants based on highly active nodule bacteria strains complementary to each variety is more cost-effective than using mineral nitrogen fertilizers.

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