
The priority direction of Russia's modern economic policy is the development of the non-primary sector. In this regard, it is necessary to create conditions for intersectoral interaction and redistribution of income in order to modernize and improve the industrial complexes in non-primary sectors of the economy. The article examines the actual problems of the development of the agrarian sectoral complex of the region in the context of the economic structure. There is a decrease in the share of production volumes by households and, at the same time, an increase in the share of individual farms. The study found a significant decrease in the quantitative indicators of the production of agricultural products (to the level of 1940), which indicates shortcomings in terms of managing the economy in the sectoral complex, the lack of its financial support and investment in this area. In our opinion, the problem is of a systemic nature and is caused by shortcomings in the elaboration of the economic policy of the state, which is a deterrent in the development of the sectoral complexes of the region. There is a slight increase in production volumes in quantitative terms, while the main growth in the gross output of the industry complex is caused by inflationary factors. There is also a change in the structure of production in the direction of increasing the output of livestock products and reducing the production of crop products.

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