
JEL Classification Codes: F60, F63, O35, O44 1. Introduction The adopted policy of overcoming the problem of resource dependence and the modernization of the Russian economy and its regions, it is necessary to formulate mechanisms of development on the course to import substitution. In this case, the transition strategy to non-primary scenario of economic development of the South Russian regions is based on network and cluster interactions of economic agents that will allow for the further increase of the economic potential of the Russian Federation. As a consequence, this will facilitate increase in competitiveness of the regions, which is closely linked to the implementation of cluster policy, which is based primarily on the interaction between state and business structures. Clusters are seen as tools for economic synergies (Dasanayaka and Sardana, 2015; Frank et al., 2016; Kolchanova and Kolchanova, 2016; Ryzhkova and Prosvirkin, 2015). To solve the problems of implementation of import-substitution strategy and translation of results into practice, economic science has developed a number of conceptual approaches that help identify and analyze localized regional space competitive advantages (Ivanova and Bikeeva, 2016). Analysis Conducted in the context of functional and meaningful context, has allowed structuring the main points of regional development theory and considering their advantages and disadvantages in terms of identifying opportunities in the formation of the theoretical and conceptual basis. This can later on be applied to analyze the transition of Russian economy towards the non-primary model (Kormishkin et al., 2016; Salimova and Makolov, 2016). 2. The model of non-primary scenario of economic regional development of Russia In modern conditions of structural changes in the geopolitical space, that are mainly due to external threats, economic sanctions between Western Europe and Russia, issues of preservation and maintenance of sustainable development of regional economic systems is proportional to resource dependence and requires the implementation of the import substitution strategy. According to S.Y. Glazyev, a way out of the current depression will be accompanied by large-scale geopolitical and economic changes. Leading countries have demonstrated their lack of institutional innovations that could channel the free up capital into economic restructuring on the basis of a new technological foundation of the economy. The current irregularity of regional reproduction and distribution of productive forces, the unevenness of Russian territorial space, as well as asymmetry of socioeconomic development of regions (that gets more severe in times of crises) is formed each separate territory. As a result these > of resources are formed which create opportunities for creation of non-primary development potential. Under these conditions, however, it is important not to oppose primary and non-primary sectors of the economy. It is crucial that the innovative potential of primary industries is used in the most efficient way. According to research done by a number of scientists, the primary sector can become a driver of innovation through such a phenomenon as >. This can mean expansion to other industries and sectors as well. Therefore, there is a problem of optimization of the sectoral structure of the region, given the governmental course targeting rational import-substitution in non-primary economic sectors. In the context of this approach, the main reference should be the completed supply chains that allow for production of products with high added value, i.e. following a principle: >. For the South of Russia the main activities are likely to be ones listed in table 1, the modernization of which is possible on the basis of rational combination, mutual substitution, and / or integration of primary and non-primary sectors where significant multiplier effect of output growth in related industries is possible. …

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