
Formulation of the problem. Modern conditions of accelerated intellectual, scientific, industrial development, which takes place in the conditions of deep economic integration and globalization of social relations. Even in the context of the global Covid-19 pandemic, such processes have not slowed down, but have shifted to other forms in the system of digitalization of integration-global speakers. In such conditions, new questions, challenges and challenges arise before the system of professional training in all spheres of human life. Vocational school of Ukraine also receives appropriate signals in the process of its operation. The main figure in the training of skilled workers in all sectors of the economy is a teacher of a vocational school. It sharpens all the strategic objectives of the vocational school, which he must implement in the actual practice of training. In this process, organizational and economic components are important. Analysis of recent research and publications. This issue is directly or indirectly considered in studies that in one way or another relate to the development of vocational education in individual educational institutions, countries, within certain dimensions of civilization, continental and global. In covering the relevant issues, we can pay attention to the work of both domestic and foreign researchers. In particular, this applies to the works of K. Gnezdylova, N. Makhyna, V. Sydorenko, G. Studinska, O. Shevchuk, T. Shchypska and others. The purpose of this study is to determine the economic and organizational foundations of the vocational school teacher and improve the system of pedagogical work in the vocational school in terms of modern reforms of the national educational system. Materials and methods. The implementation of this study is based on the following principles: conceptuality, which allows to obtain integrated results; analytical, which allows for a comprehensive study of the issue and identify its individual components; debatability, which allows the admission of different views on this issue. Results of the research. The article attempts to consider the basic issues of organizational and economic nature in the system of teachers of vocational (vocational) education in Ukraine. The teacher in this system is considered as a key figure in the system of educational and professional services in the field of training workers. An important aspect in this is the process of organizing the activities of a teacher in a vocational school. In particular, it concerns such aspects as working conditions, workload distribution, organization of scientific, exploratory, creative extracurricular work with students and more. At the same time, the economic component is of key importance here: material and technical support of the educational institution, and the corresponding working conditions of the teaching staff in general and each teacher in particular; system of remuneration of the teacher and material and moral encouragement of his work. The main principles of such an organizational and economic mechanism can be a clear definition of strategic objectives of professional (vocational) education of the country, a separate educational institution, which determine the professional activity of the teacher. In this regard, the economic (financial) basis for the implementation of the relevant educational and professional strategy is determined. The main executive figure in such conditions is the teacher. Conclusions. The activity of a teacher in the system of professional (vocational) education of Ukraine is determined by the strategic directions of the general national policy in the field of training for the domestic economy, as well as the identified priorities of a particular educational institution. The importance of the organizational and economic system is that it ensures the actual functioning of educational strategic areas in the training of professionals and stimulates the work of the direct executor - a teacher of professional (vocational) education.


  • The economic component is of key importance here: material and technical support of the educational institution, and the corresponding working conditions of the teaching staff in general and each teacher in particular; system of remuneration of the teacher and material and moral encouragement of his work

  • The main principles of such an organizational and economic mechanism can be a clear definition of strategic objectives of professional education of the country, a separate educational institution, which determine the professional activity of the teacher

  • The activity of a teacher in the system of professional education of Ukraine is determined by the strategic directions of the general national policy in the field of training for the domestic economy, as well as the identified priorities of a particular educational institution

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В таких умовах постають нові питання, виклики та завдання перед системою професійної підготовки кадрів в усіх сферах життєдіяльності людства. Головною фігурою у підготовці кваліфікованих працівників у всіх галузях економіки є педагог професійної школи. Метою даного дослідження є визначення економічних та організаційних засад діяльності педагога професійної школи та удосконалення системи педагогічної роботи у фаховій в школі в розрізі сучасних реформувань національної освітньої системи. У статті зроблено спробу розглянути засадничі питання організаційноекономічного характеру у системі педагога професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти в Україні. Зокрема це стосується таких аспектів як умови праці, розподілу навантаження, організації наукової, пошукової, творчої поза аудиторної роботи із учнями та інше. Головними засадами такого організаційно-економічного механізму можуть бути як чітке визначення стратегічних завдань професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти країни, окремого навчального закладу, які визначають професійну діяльність педагога.

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