
The rapid development of power-to-gas (P2G) technology has led to promote the renewable energy integration and to transform the excess renewable production to combined normal gas at appropriate time. As the demand for power system increases, further recovering to excess wind energy by P2G is meat increase requests for energy and decrease system costs. In order to grow P2G transformation performance, in this work the MES model modeling to CO2-based operations and P2G are presented with the developed sports league championship algorithm. Mentioned method is considred the heat resumption for process of converting to hydrogen potency. The CO2-based ETES is presented to heat resumption of electrolysis procedure, that acts as a CO2 supplier in the methanation reaction. The championship algorithm in the sports league is equipped with teams with a network structure to extract rules multiple times. Rules are extracted multiple times by an algorithm in which each rule, in addition to current information, also contains information from the past. Therefor, in this study a memory is created to store useful information in each of the rules. In this study, the case studies show that the presented model can achieve more than 70% of the efficiency of excess wind energy recovery.

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