
People use goods and services related to Leguminosae-Mimosoideae resources to satisfy multiple needs in Cameroon. Despite some work already done, information on these goods and services remains insufficient. To date, the contribution of these plants to the needs of the population is also unknown. The objective of this study was to provide an overview of the uses of Leguminosae-Mimosoideae by rural and urban populations in Cameroon. Focus was on the genera Albizia, Parkia and Tetrapleura. Socio-economic and ethnobotanical data were collected throughout the study area based on semi-structured individual interviews of 173 respondents. Analysis of the data consisted of statistical and descriptive analyses, to study the position and dispersion characteristics of the data and inferential/decisional analyses consisting of parametric and non-parametric tests. Species vulnerability risk index was also calculated. Six parameters were used to assess economic value of the most requested species. The results show that seven species out of nineteen divided into three genera, are used in Cameroon and have ethnobotanical values. For Albizia, we noted that the species A. adianthifolia, A. laurentii, A. lebbeck, A. zygia have been identified, while for Parkia we have the species P. bicolor and P. biglobosa and finally, the species Tetrapleura tetraptera, for the genus Tetrapleura. Results showed that the Leguminosae-Mimosoideae have an ethnobotanical potential to be valorized, even outside Cameroon. The promotion of these species would increase their exploitation potential basis and increase income of rural and urban populations.

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