
Relevance. Therapy of hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease is carried out under the program of 14 VZN due to the use of federal budget funds. The use of funding is increasing in line with the growth of the total number of patients. In 2022,85.99 billion rubles were allocated, which corresponds to a 1.5‑fold increase in funding compared to 2018. The aim of the study was to conduct an economic analysis of the use of drugs for the therapy of hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease. Methods. The materials for the analysis were the dosing regimen of LPs selected on the basis of clinical recommendations, the availability of LPs in the 14 VZN program, and the prices for LPs from the State Register of maximum selling prices for VED drugs. Costs of on demand prophylaxis and treatment regimens for hemophilia A, B and Willebrand's disease according to clinical recommendations for each INN for all trade names (TN) were assessed. Results. For hemophilia A the number of submitted drugs by INN is 7;IN — 14; of them domestic drugs were submitted — 1. The minimum cost of LPs for prophylaxis is 2 584 764,00 rubles. Coit-DVI (Grifols Therapeutics LLC, USA), and the maximum cost is RUR 9,955,517.21. Advait (Takeda Manufacturing AG, Austria). Forhemophilia B, the number of represented PL — 2 INN; INN — 6; domestic drugs — 2. The minimum cost is RUR 1,559,376.00. Innonafactor (AO Generium, Russia), maximum — 3 079 319,88 rubles for a year course of prophylaxis LP Immunin (TakedaManufacturing, Austria). To stop bleeding in patients with inhibitor form use anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (Feiba, Austria), which is necessary on average 9100 units per 1 patient, and the average cost of application — 430 863,52 rubles or eptacog alpha(activated) (Coagil-VII, Russia) at multiple administration to the patient 6 times a day — maximum cost — 2 739 803,64 rubles or once a day — 293 550,35 rubles. Conclusion. In the structure of drug supply for patients with hemophilia, domestic drugs are represented by 5 names: Octofactor (JSC "Generium", Russia); Agemfil B (FGBU "NMIC Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Russia) and Innonafactor (JSC "Generium", Russia); ArioSaven (LLC "PSK Pharma", Russia) and Coagil-VII (JSC "SG Biotech", Russia). There are no domestic drugs available for the therapy of Willebrand's disease.

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