
Rice is second food source after wheat and is an important foreign exchange earning commodity of Pakistan’s economy, which gives about $950 million annually. Pakistan grows rice including early and late maturing verities, hybrid and conventional rice verities which are consider as high quality rice verities. The study was design to conduct economic analysis of hybrid rice production; major findings of the study were financial gain from hybrid rice. Taluka Golarchi was selected for the present study because it is a hybrid rice cropping zone, primary data on hybrid rice was collected from the farmers through personal interviews with the help of specially designed questionnaire. Result shows that total costs per acre of hybrid rice were 65993.62Rs/Acre which were slightly high due higher hybrid seed prices, slightly higher land management costs. On an average higher yield 78.88monds/acre was obtained from hybrid rice. The gross revenue was received as 85643.96Rs/Acre. Study results further indicate that hybrid rice growers obtained higher gross margin 38199.34Rs/Acre, which gives additional income to poor farmers in study Area.Therefore, gross revenue gained 85643.96Rs/Acre by hybrid rice. High profit was observed in hybrid rice. Most of the farmers focused to grow hybrid rice due to high yield advantage.

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