
The purpose s of this research are to analize the influencing production factors on the production of hybrid and inbred rice , and k now the amount of income and farm income differences between hybrid and inbred rice in Pesawaran Regency. This research was conducted in t hree villages chosen purposively, namely Sukadadi, Kutoarjo, and Margodadi Villages, from July 2012 to October 2012 . The respondent s were 62 farmers, consist ing of 30 hybrid farmers and 30 inbred farmers. They were chosen by Simple Random Sampling Tec hnique . The research data was included primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained by interviewing respondents using questionnaire s , while the secondary data was obtained by searching various literatures, printed media and some related agencies. The results showed that the influencing production factors on hybrid rice farming in Gedong Tataan D istrict were the land area and seed, whereas the influencing production factors on inbred rice farming were the land area, NPK Phonska fertilizer, and urea fertilizer . H ybrid farming of rice in Gedong Tataan D istrict was profitable with farmers’ average income from rice as Rp 6 , 840 , 099 . 15 pe r hectare and the inbred rice farming net income received by farmers was R p 4 , 867 , 136 . 34 per hectare. The R/C ratio on hybrid rice farming wa s 1. 81 and the inbred rice farming wa s 1.45 . There was no significant differen ce of income between the farmer respondents of hybrid rice and inbred rice farmer respondents. Keywords : factors of production , h ybrid, i nbred, income

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