
AbstractGunung (Mount) Talang is an active volcano in West Sumatra that has a number of Nepenthes species, including the endemic N. talangensis, but their ecology has been little been studied. This study found five species of Nepenthes growing in the protected forest area of Gunung Talang, namely N. bongso, N. inermis, N. pectinata, N. spathulata and N. talangensis. The population of N. talangensis is very small (23 individuals) and it grows sympatrically with N. bongso and N. inermis forming natural hybrids. Lithocarpus conocarpus, Camellia lanceolata, Syzygium acuminatissimum, Adinandra dumosa and Dehaasia sp. are the five most dominant tree species found in the Nepenthes habitat, while L. conocarpus and Podocarpus neriifolius had strong positive associations with N. talangensis. Growth rates of the five Nepenthes species were not significantly different, neither were foliar nitrogen (mean = 1.14%) or phosphorus concentrations (mean = 0.11%). We suggest that N. talangensis should be considered as Critically Endangered and outline some possible conservation actions.

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