
 We report results from the first systematic survey and ecological observations of primates of the Área de Conservación Privada Panguana (ACPP), located in Peruvian Amazonia between the Sira Mountains, the eastern slopes of the Andes and, the Gran Pajonal. Seven primate species (Leontocebus leucogenys, Saimiri boliviensis peruviensis, Cebus yuracus, Aotus nigriceps, Alouatta seniculus, Plecturocebus discolor, Pithecia inusta) were encountered during the study. Their group sizes were within ranges reported for the same or for related species at other sites, but tended to range at the lower end of group size values. No habitat preferences were detected except for L. leucogenys and S. boliviensis peruviensis who were more frequently encountered around or within forest gaps. Plant species or genera consumed during our observations coincide with species and genera reported from other areas, and several are also used by humans. ACPP is an important natural refuge in a landscape otherwise that is increasingly altered by human activities.

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