
Mangroves play a crucial role in marine ecosystem since it supports vital elements in the food chain. This study was a descriptive survey on the assessment of mangroves conducted to identify the mangrove structures in the coastal areas of Enclaro, Binalbagan. There were four sampling sites namely: Sitio Serena, Sitio Vietnam Rose, Sitio Alo and Sitio Tap-ok. The mangroves were assessed in terms of species, diversity, abundance, density and stages of life cycle, economic and environmental values. The quadrat method and the transect plots were used to perform floristic inventory of mangrove stands. There were 10, 4, 6 and 6 species of mangroves in Serena, Vietnam Rose, Alo and Tapok sites, respectively. Rhizophora mucronata comprised 55.22% of the total stands in Serena and Avicennia marina which covered 72.21% in Vietnam Rose, 81.19% in Alo and 40% in Tap-ok. Serena had the most diverse mangrove species. Avicennia marina was the most abundant and dominant mangrove species which covered 66.47% of the total population. The mangroves in Vietnam Rose had the highest density of 15.94 mangroves per square meter. The stages of mangroves’ life cycle were 50.67% seedlings, samplings comprised 25.20% and mature mangroves composed 24.13% of the total population. Sitio Alo had the least mangrove stand and the results of this study would serve as baseline information for the Local Government Units for mangroves and coastal ecosystems’ conservation, management and development. Keywords - Ecological mangroves assessment, species, abundance, density, diversity, stages of life cycle, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, Philippines

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