In the present study Trichoderma asperellum (ECK), Trichoderma asperellum (TNAU), Streptomyces sp (native) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (TNAU) were tested in vitro by dual culture technique. Among the six treatments Trichoderma asperellum (ECK) and Streptomyces sp (native) was found to be more effective as compared to other bio-control agents and inhibited maximum fungal growth (100 %) of Macrophomina phaseolina followed by Trichoderma asperellum (TNAU) (81.6 %). The disease incidence controlled by all other isolates was ranged from 67.72 to 81.66%. The growth promoting activity of various bio-control agents and chemical was assessed based on seedling vigour index by standard Roll Towel Method (ISTA,1993). The treated seeds and controls are placed on the pre-soaked germination paper. After one-week various growth parameters like root length, shoot length, vigour index are determined by using the formulae. The seeds treated with Trichoderma asperellum (ECK) and Streptomyces sp (native) exhibited increased yield parameters like increased germination percentage, root length, shoot length, and Seedling vigour index 2562.0. Under field conditions the seeds are treated with different biocontrol agents and carbendazim. The various growth parameters like root length, shoot length and seedling vigour index observed under field conditions. Streptomyces sp (native) was found to be most effective in reducing pre and post emergence mortality and also it enhances the yield than other treatments. In field trail among the six treatments, treatment containing seed treatment of Streptomyces sp (native) was found to be most effective in reducing pre and post emergence mortality with germination of 87.0 %. Streptomyces sp (native) was found to be more effective as compared to other bio-control agents in increasing the yield parameters like root length, shoot length, and seedling vigour and also it enhances the yield (322.8 Kg/ha) compared to other treatments. Streptomyces sp (native) needs further species level characterization and other biotrophic and tritrophic interaction studies for developing commercial formulation.
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