
The primary objective of this paper is to provide a formalism to predict and characterize the echoes which may be produced in a gaseous sample by an arbitrary sequence of one- or two-frequency laser excitation pulses which successively transfer atomic population between two or more atomic energy levels. The resulting echoes can occur at times which depend on the relative frequencies of the excitation pulses as well as on the times at which the pulses were applied. Using an idealized model of the excitation pulses and the atoms, the authors derive a simple transformation equation which provides the density matrix of a single atom after a general excitation sequence. Equations are derived which utilize the single-atom density matrix to predict the properties of the echoes (if any) which result. The means by which the sample of atoms "remembers" the information necessary to produce different types of echoes is discussed, and it is then shown how a study of the echo can provide information concerning the atomic relaxation processes which tend to destroy this information. It is observed that trilevel echoes can be used to determine the relaxation characteristics of superposition states between energy levels coupled by two-photon transitions. In the case of certain other echoes (such as the three-excitation-pulse stimulated echo) the authors discuss the heretofore unappreciated fact that the sample remembers the "echo information" via a nonthermal velocity distribution of the atoms in one specific atomic state. In these cases a study of the echo behavior can provide information pertaining to the relaxation processes affecting only the one atomic state. The formalism developed is used to predict the properties of several echo effects. First, to provide a connection with previous work, the well-known photon echo is briefly discussed. Then important new properties of the three-excitation-pulse-stimulated echo are described. Finally, three different types of trilevel echo are analyzed. Each of the trilevel echoes discussed has widespread applicability in the study of relaxation processes.

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