
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are integral components of e-healthcare systems, responsible for monitoring patients' physiological states through intelligent implantable or wearable sensor nodes. These nodes collect medical data, which is then transmitted to remote healthcare facilities for thorough evaluation. Securing medical data within WBANs is paramount due to its central role in preserving patient privacy and confidentiality. Notably, Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals have recently gained prominence as pivotal elements within diverse security frameworks. Incorporating ECG signals strategically enhances the security and reliability of WBANs and broader e-healthcare systems, instilling greater trustworthiness. This survey article provides an in-depth exploration of contemporary ECG-based security schemes, adding to the scholarly discourse. The imperative to categorize these security paradigms revolves around their use of ECG signals. This categorization identifies three key domains: the first involves schemes that utilize ECG signals for cryptographic operations, encompassing key generation, agreement, management, and authentication. The second category employs steganography-based techniques, using ECG signals to conceal patients' sensitive medical data. The third category focuses on enhancing ECG signal security during data transmission. Each category is meticulously elaborated, detailing architectural foundations, notable contributions, and intrinsic security services. Furthermore, each section presents a comprehensive overview of the attributes characterizing ECG-based security frameworks. This includes insights into employed datasets, simulation environments, evaluation metrics, and inherent advantages and limitations. Expanding on this, a thorough analysis of distinctive attributes underpinning these security frameworks concludes by shedding light on potential directions for future research.

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