
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), the potential design challenge of energy efficiency is determined to be handled through the strategies of clustering and routing. The approaches of clustering and routing in WSNs pertain to the problems of Non-deterministic Polynomial (NP)-hard optimization. In this context, swarm intelligence-based algorithms are identified to be suitable and ideal for determining near-optimal and optimal solutions in the search space. On the other hand, APTEEN routing protocol possesses the issues that are related to unnecessary energy drain, ineffective overall network coverage and premature death of certain nodes. To address these issues, an attempt to optimize the APTEEN routing protocol using Dingo Optimization Algorithm (DOA) and Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm (BWOA) is made in this proposed clustering protocol. With this motivation, Improved Dingo and Boosted Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm (IDBBWOA) is proposed for determining the optimal cluster head and perform energy-efficient routing to minimized the energy consumption and maximize the lifetime of the network. It specifically used Improved Dingo Optimization Algorithm (IDOA) for attaining cluster head (CH) selection and energy efficient routing through the adoption fitness parameters of Residual Energy, Distance within and between Clusters, Network coverage, Node Degree for maximizing the rate of reliable data dissemination. It also incorporated Boosted Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm (BBWOA) for determining the optimal points over the sink node can be moved to prevent multi-hop between CHs and the sink nodes, since it is essential for addressing the issue of hot-spot and extends the network lifetime. The simulation results of the proposed IDBBWOA approach revealed its efficacy in improving the mean throughput by 18.92 %, sustaining alive nodes by 34.28 %, and maintaining residual energy by 29.34 %, compared to the benchmarked approaches used for evaluation.

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