Imam-i Azam Ebu Hanife erken donemde Islam’i en iyi anlayan âlimlerden biridir. O, inanc konularini saglam bilgilere dayandirmak istemistir. Bu konuda Kur’ân’i ve sahih hadisi esas almistir. Ayrica dinde akla buyuk deger vermistir. Peygamber ogretmese de insan aklinin Allah’i taniyabilecegini soylemistir. Allah’in isim ve sifatlarini ise dini metinlerde gectigi sekilde kabul etmeyi benimsemistir. Insan fiilleri ve kader konularinda ise hur iradeyi ve sorumlulugu esas almistir. Kaderin, insanin iradesini yok eden bir sey oldugunu kabul etmemistir. Kullarin butun fiillerini yaratan varligin Allah oldugunu soylemis, fakat insanin eylemlerini secmede ozgur oldugunu ileri surmustur. O, insanin dogarken beyaz bir sayfa gibi tertemiz dogdugunu belirtmis, Allah’a iman ve inkâr etmenin kendi iradesi ve eylemi oldugunu belirtmistir. Ebu Hanife kendisinden onceki asiri gorusleri orta noktaya cekmis ve Ehl-i sunnetin itikadi goruslerini belirlemistir. Ebu Hanife, inanc acisindan muminleri esit olarak gormus, gunah isleyenleri dinsiz saymamis, gunahkâr muminlerin durumunu Allah’a havale etmistir. Ehl-i kible olan herkesi iman ve Islam dairesinde gormustur. Bu gorusleri, bugunku siddet ortaminin dogurdugu sorunlari cozecek mahiyettedir. Ebu Hanife kendisinden sonra gelen bircok âlim ve ekolu etkilemistir. O genelde Ehl-i sunnet ve bilhassa Mâturidiligin olusumuna tesir etmistir. BELIEF OPINIONS OF ABU KHANIFE Abu Hanifah’s Faith Method and Opinion: Imam al-Azam Abu Hanifah is one of the best understanding of Islam in the early period. He wanted to base his belief issues on solid information. It is based on the Quran and the hadith. He also gave great reason to mind in religion. Although the Prophet did not teach, he said that the human mind can recognize God. He adopted the acceptance of the names and attributes of God in the manner in which he passed in religious texts. Human actions and fate are based on the free will and responsibility. He refused to accept that destiny is something that destroys man's will. He said that Allah is the being who created all the acts of the servants, but he was free to choose man's actions. He pointed out that man was born as clean as a white sheet at the time of birth, and that faith and faith in Allah is his will and action. Abu Hanifah pulled the extreme views before him and determined the itikadi views of Ahl al-Sunnah. Abu Hanifah saw the believers as equal in terms of faith, and he did not consider sinners to be irreligious, and he referred to God the status of sinful believers. He has faith in all those who are Ahl al-'Qibla and he has seen them in the Islamic circle. These views will solve the problems caused by violence today. Abu Hanifah influenced many scholars and schools after him. He usually influenced the formation of Sunnah and especially the formation of Maturidiyah.
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