
Abstract The insecticidal efficacy, effect on plant growth, and seed cotton yields of selected Orthene treatments applied as in-furrow sprays at planting (IFSAP), in-furrow granules at planting (IFGAP) and preemergence soil applied sprays (PRE) were compared with that of Temik 15 G. Plots consisted of 4 rows on 101.6 cm centers x 15 m. Treatments were arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. Cotton was planted in a Gigger Silt Loam (pH = 6.7, 1.8% organic matter) on 23 Apr with a John Deere 7300 planter modified to apply pesticides through a granular applicator hopper box or as a directed spray into the seed furrow. IFSAP treatments were applied with a CO2 charged delivery system calibrated to deliver 46.8 liters total spray/ha through Teejet 8002 flat fan nozzles (1/row) at 3.66 kg/cm2. The PRE treatments were applied on 23 Apr with a tractor mounted boom and compressed air system calibrated to deliver 93.6 liters total spray/ha through Teejet X-12 nozzles (2/row) at 2.81 kg/cm2. Numbers of thrips and aphids were determined by sampling 10 plants on 20 and 25 May using whole-plant washing procedures. Plant stand, leaf area and plant height were measured on 15, 26 and 28 May, respectively. Yields were measured by harvesting the 2 center rows of each plot on 17 Sep and 1 Oct. All plots received Terraclor Super-X (11.2 kg form/ha) at planting as a standard fungicide treatment. Soil moisture was adequate at planting and 90% emergence was observed by 10 d after planting. The entire test was furrow irrigated throughout the season and rainfall was not considered a factor influencing final yields.

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