
New stratigraphic evidence from the Rossendale area, Manitoba, Canada, provides insight into the early postglacial evolution of the southeastern Assiniboine Delta. In this region, much of the upper 13+ m of sediment accumulation is characterized by multiple cycles of sandy rhythmites interbedded with massive to laminated silt. These sediments were deposited rapidly by traction or turbidity currents and record the construction of the Assiniboine fan-delta during the deep-water Lockhart Phase of glacial Lake Agassiz (>10.8 14C ka BP). Shortly before ∼10 14C ka BP, fluvial incision into deltaic deposits occurred locally at the Rossendale Gully site in response to the regression of glacial Lake Agassiz during the Moorhead Phase. Plant macrofossils deposited in the gully by 10 14C ka BP provide the first information on early postglacial plant colonization of the distal Assiniboine delta. These data suggest initial establishment of Scorpidium scorpioides, Potamogeton spp., Scirpus spp., and other wetland plants, followed by colonization of uplands by a Picea-Populus assemblage. Importantly, because the gully is located in a protected depression behind the Campbell beach, evidence of water table rise from aquatic macrophytes suggests that glacial Lake Agassiz transgressed to the Campbell level during the early Emerson Phase (∼10 14C ka BP). Furthermore, no evidence exists for a post-Lockhart rise in Lake Agassiz above the Upper Campbell beach. If Agassiz stood at the Campbell level during the early Emerson Phase, then drainage through the southern outlet may have been possible at this time. This scenario, if true, may suggest that the northwestern outlet was temporarily closed by a glacial advance shortly before 10 14C ka BP.

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