
The Importance of women in all religions is conformed. But the historically women did not have rights in inheritance, vote, and equality. Now, women have their equal role like the two tires of the car. Women can play equal role in progress of the society. It is observed that women can do effectively the certain tasks if they are properly given a chance. No progress can be made without the help of women in the society. Women can teach and govern, women can make soft wares, and can cook and women can fly aero planes and can run firms. Women are always been an important pillar of the society since day first. Women are mothers and can nurture the children effectively. Women are wives and can make the men master or slave by their work and dedication. Women have been very critical at the time of peace as well as at the time of war. In wars women played very important role to help men artistically and made reasons for the triumphs. In all the religions women did not have basic rights before Islam. Some religions restrict women and their rights. Semitic religion gives right to women with in sphere. Women are degraded in this religion and the given rights are not sufficient. So called rights for the women are just to show off not foe the well fare of the women. In the light of Semitic religion, now, we discuss about different religions and what they have done for the rights of women. In these lines we are going to discuss the role of women in Semitic religions, so firstly: we will discuss the role of women in Judaism, secondly: in Christianity and thirdly: in Islam.


  • The Importance of women in all religions is conformed

  • A woman cannot ask for vows and vows to please God without the consent of her father. She did not have the right to remarry. Guardtook the life she was deprived of the rights will, testimony and inheritance lose her inheritance in the absence of male heirs according to Jewish law comes after their daughterin-law inherited status if a ships If the deceaseddoesnothave a son, theinheritance goes to the grandson

  • Social Affairs of Women in Judaism: In ancient Jewish imperialism, the family was identified with the mother otherwise, even though the man was involved, the agreement between God and Abraham gave the man an indirect advantage over the woman.In the society mentioned in the ancient times of the

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The Importance of women in all religions is conformed. But the historically women did not have rights in inheritance, vote, and equality. Gender has a bearing on familial lines: In traditional Judaism, Jewishness is passed down through the mother, the father's name is used to describe sons and daughters in the Torah, "Dinah, and daughter of Jacob.[8] The status of Levi is only given to a Jewish male descended patrilineally from Levi.[9] Jewish women had a limited education.

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