
Abstract: Voting systems have evolved over time, with paper voting becoming the most common worldwide. The introduction of electronic voting in the last decade has brought long-term solutions, but problems remain, especially in terms of security, trust, transparency and operation. Estonia has emerged as a leader in electronic voting despite limited blockchain integration. Blockchain technology offers a promising solution to these challenges through immutability and decentralization. However, current blockchain-based voting technology often lacks good solutions or lacks adequate measurement and evaluation. This article presents a new blockchain-based electronic voting platform designed to solve these problems in many elections. Our platform, which uses blockchain technology, prevents external intervention when starting the election by completing the administrative process in the central distribution system. Always be transparent while protecting voters' identities with homomorphic encryption. Our extensive testing and comparisons on our independent blockchain projects show that there is little difference between public and private blockchains. The main innovation of our solution is the provided management system using blockchain and homomorphic encryption, transparent process and stable security and self-assessment. This research contributes to the development of electronic elections to increase the security, transparency and efficiency of the democratic process.

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