
Blockchain is the technology that has attracted enormous interest recently as it provides security and privacy through immutable distributed ledger. It is the backbone of the most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin. Due to its robust consensus mechanism and tamper proof data storage, it is widely adopted in the applications where trust is given utmost importance.Homomorphic Encryption algorithms can be used to operate on the data that is encrypted without the knowledge of private key. Operations can be performed on encrypted data without decrypting the data. Only client knows about the private key. These two technologies can be used to securely transfer and store data in the cloud systems.In this paper we propose how this blockchain technology and homomorphic encryption can be used to build reliable, tamper-proof and efficient electronic voting system. An electronic voting system should be secure, and itshould not allow duplicate votes and be fully tamper proof, while protecting the privacy of the voters. In this work, we have designed, implemented and tested an electronic voting application and providing hashing for votes and stored in blockchaincloud.If data in database is lost, then it can be retrieved from blockchain cloud.

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