
Maria Letizia RuelloUniversità Politecnica delle Marche, Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, ItalyE-mail: m.l.ruello@univpm.itDaniele ValeriniENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, S.S. 7 Appia - km 706, 72100 Brindisi, ItalyE-mail: daniele.valerini@enea.itSaurav GoelSchool of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Building No. 90, Bedfordshire, MK430AL, UKE-mail: s.goel@cranfield.ac.ukPäivi Kivikytö-ReponenVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Sinitaival 6, 33101 Tampere, FinlandE-mail: paivi.kivikyto-reponen@vtt.fiThe Symposium “Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions” was held at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, from September 19th to 21st, 2017 in the framework of the eminent E-MRS Fall Meeting. The meeting addressed the difficulties in the access to critical raw materials (CRMs) that are expected to depress industrial sectors vital especially for our society across Europe.Global and local crises have clearly shown that life in a modern society ultimately depends upon readily available and affordable material supply. In this scenario, a clear goal is to reduce the dependence of industrial sectors on critical raw materials almost entirely imported from foreign countries, often with extremely volatile prices because of geopolitical reasons.

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