
Eugenius Marius Uhlenbeck (1913-2003) needs no introduction to readers of this journal. Bob, as many knew him, was editor of the Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde from 1949 until 1958. He took up this task after he obtained his PhD for his dissertation on the structure of the Javanese morpheme, and remained as editor until he was appointed chair in general linguistics at Leiden University, where he also held the chair in Javanese language and literature from 1950 until 1983.2 During his lifetime, he contributed fourteen articles to the journal. Many of these have become classics in their fields, particularly his studies of various aspects of Modern Javanese morphology and his interpretation of several Old Javanese texts. In addition, he also published eleven reviews in the Bijdragen. Among these, his article on Zoetmulder’s study of language of the Adiparwa (1950) deserves special mention. In addition to his contributions to the Bijdragen, the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) published five important monographs written by him. This brings me to the focus of this paper: the relationship between Uhlenbeck and the KITLV.

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