
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a well- known plant and at the basis of the culinary tradition of different populations. In Italy, several celery ecotypes, presenting unique peculiarities, are grown by small local producers, and they need to be characterized, in order to be protected and safeguarded. The present work aims at developing a fast and non-destructive method for the discrimination of a common celery (the "Elne" celery) from a typical celery of Abruzzo (Central Italy). The proposed strategy is based on the use of an e-eye tool which allows the collection of images used to infer colorgrams. Initially, a principal component analysis model was used to investigate the trends and outliers in the data. Then, the classification between the common celery (Elne class) and celery from Torricella Peligna (Torricella class) was achieved by a discriminant analysis, conducted by sequential preprocessing through orthogonalization (SPORT) and sequential and orthogonalized covariance selection (SO-CovSel) and by a class-modelling method called soft independent modelling of class analogies (SIMCAs). Among these, the highest accuracy was provided by the strategies, based on the discriminant classifiers, both of which provided a total accuracy of 82% in the external validation.

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