
Social network providers offer a variety of entertainment services in exchange for end users’ personal information, such as their identity. The majority of users access social networking sites via their smartphones, which they utilize in conjunction with a traditional authenticator like a password. On the other hand, aggregators, which pull content from multiple social networks, are often used to get into smartphone apps that may involve mobile ticketing, identification, and access control. They are a potential target for malware and spyware injections due to their powerful position. Malware is capable of circumventing authentication mechanisms in order to get access to social networking services, which may result in stealing the personal information of users. To deflect any type of attack from malicious software, BrightPass [22], a malware-resistant method based on screen brightness, was introduced. Conversely, we have demonstrated that the BrightPass user’s personally identifiable information, such as PIN numbers, may be recovered by evaluating the variations between the recorded input from many authentication sessions. We have then offered various enhanced BrightPass versions to address the observed vulnerability. Our enhanced BrightPass versions are both simple and secure to use when it comes to accessing social networks via mobiles.

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